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Ride Description/Data Sheet

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CTBikeRoutes.org Ride Description

Sonya's Gillette Castle Gallop


Total Distance:  45.9 miles                Elevation Gain: 2592 feet  


Degree of Difficulty Index:  2592 ft / 45.9 mi = 56.47 ft/mi            Terrain:  Hilly


Killer Hills: Several hilly sections


Geographical Region:  South Central Connecticut


City/Town:  Chester


Starting Location:  Route 9 Exit 8 CPL (Rt. 148), Chester


Ride Description:  This somewhat hilly ride travels up to Moodus by way of the East Haddam swing-bridge and Johnsonville Village before dropping down to Gillette Castle State Park for a rest stop.  From there the ride heads up to Hadlyme before continuing on to Hamburg Cove via Routes 82 & 156 (smooth surfaces and wide shoulders) and then to a Connecticut River crossing on the Baldwin Bridge bike path.  Then it's a return trip to the CPL via seldom used (Old Saybrook's) Bokum Rd to Centerbrookand then on to the CPL skirting Deep River and Chester village.


Facilities and Points of Interest:    



            Facilities - Points of Interest


Chester village with various shops


Tylerville: convenience store, Subway on left


East Haddam swing-bridge over the Connecticut River (views)


Goodspeed Opera House and the Gelston House on right


Johnsonville village (views)


Moodus: convenience store on right


Gillette Castle State Park (pavilion; bathrooms; water)


Hadlyme: convenience store on left


Hamburg village: convenience store on right


Shopping center with supermarket on left


Start 1-mile tour on the Baldwin Bridge bike path over the Connecticut River (views)


Centerbook: convenience stores on right




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DISCLAIMER: While every attempt has been made to assure that the Route Sheets (Cue Sheets) and the Ride Descriptions are accurate, the volume and nature of the information precludes any guarantees.  Mistakes will happen, various road/street signs will get changed, become obscured or disappear, etc. In general, Murphy's Law will prevail.  For this reason, use the ride information provided at your own risk. We suggest that, in addition to the Route Sheets provided here, that you also bring with you a detailed street map of the area in which you will be riding. And, we hope that you will take the time to report any problems you find. Also, this website has been developed voluntarily; no one is profiting from its use.  Email us with any comments or feedback to