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Major Contributors to the Project
Don Shildneck, Doug McKain and Rich Lenoce conceived, developed and implemented the project
Jerry Spignesi and Jake Epstein, of RECOL, our original web host. Special thanks to our new web host,  Cloudsmart,for their continued support of the CT Bike Routes website and the Connecticut cycling community. 
Joe Arcuri of Davex Technology and Internet Consulting designed and implemented the database and search feature
Rami Haddad, avid cyclist, computer programmer and web developer, mapped all the CT Bike Routes rides and modified the database and search engine to incorporate maps into the website.
You can learn more about how the project was developed and the contributions of those named above going to the Genesis of the Project page.
Vic LaBarre provided much of the Topographical Data for the project and conceived of the idea for the Degree of Difficulty Index that quantifies the hilliness of each ride
You can learn more about Topographical Data, the Degree of Difficulty Index and Vic's contribution by clicking here: Degree of Difficulty Index.
Suppliers of Rides
It is somewhat perilous to attempt to acknowledge all those who provided ride documentation because its a certainty that some will be omitted from the list. Nevertheless, I want to thank those whose names appear below. To those who contributed and whose names do not appear, I offer my apologies as well as my thanks.
First, I want to recognize Carol Marchion for her outstanding contributions to the ride portfolio and for her exemplary support of my ride leading and documentation gathering over the years. Carol has a special knack for and interest in developing new rides. I'd estimate that she has provided over 15% of the rides that appear on the website.
We are indebted to the following folks for providing rides to the portfolio/website:
Kathy Allenby Bobbie Froebel John Kershaw Marian Ottaviano
Chuck Bannon Sonya Gill Bruce Kitson Pam Painter
David Bill Renate Goodwin Marcia & Mark Kiley Ray Petke
Anne Bing Clyde Gourley Judy Kunkel Suzanne & Steve Petke
Janet & Bill Blaha Bob Granell Vic LaBarre Warren Pierro
Deb Casey Mark Grochowski Anne & Tom Latham Paula & Pete Ratchford
Ledge Clayton Paul Grochowski Sandra A. Lee Elsa Rosenak
John Datsko Betty Gunning Amy & Rich Lenoce Maureen Schade
Patrick DeMichele Emilie & Roger Hall Nancy & Tom Mann Don Shildneck
Bob Dickinson Mark Hansen Carol Marchion Jay Smith
Tom Ebersold Larry Hayden Doug McKain Ruth Suhr
Kathy Eldergill Ken Hazen Rick Merritt Moe Sylvestre-Craig
Bob Epstein Fred Iannotti Sandy Meyerhoffer Fran & Mike Ungaro
Mary & Finlay Ferguson Jeri Jaminet Ted O’Neill Howard Weiss
Barb Frey Jennie Keeler
Should anyone notice a ride in the data base for which you did not receive an acknowledgement, email us so that we can rectify the omission.
Our Supporters - Local Bicycle Clubs
We want to acknowledge and thank the officers and members of several Connecticut bicycle clubs for scheduling group rides, promoting bicycling safety, providing periodic newsletters with ride schedules and pertinent bicycling information, and generally making it easy for us lovers of the sport to do our thing. We are members of one or more of the following clubs:
Appalachian Mountain Club Connecticut Chapter (Bicycling)
Southern Connecticut Cycle Club
Yankee Pedalers
Central Connecticut Bicycle Alliance
Sound Cyclists Bicycle Club
Farmington Valley Greenway
Cyclonauts Bicycle Club - Springfiled, MA
The Mohawk-Hudson Cycling Club
Franklin-Hampshire Freewheelers
Don Shildneck, 6/29/05

DISCLAIMER: While every attempt has been made to assure that the Route Sheets (Cue Sheets) and the Ride Descriptions are accurate, the volume and nature of the information precludes any guarantees.  Mistakes will happen, various road/street signs will get changed, become obscured or disappear, etc. In general, Murphy's Law will prevail.  For this reason, use the ride information provided at your own risk. We suggest that, in addition to the Route Sheets provided here, that you also bring with you a detailed street map of the area in which you will be riding. And, we hope that you will take the time to report any problems you find. Also, this website has been developed voluntarily; no one is profiting from its use.  Email us with any comments or feedback to
© 2005 ctbikeroutes.org